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Monday, April 30, 2007

What is Climate Change??

Climate change is when weather and temperature is not in the right time. Climate change is because what man has done. Man his making carbondioxide more and more. Teh carbondioxide will damage the ozone layer. Uv rays will come in earth and the temperature will rise. Some parts of the world will have more rain and some will have less rain. Like in bogor when it is supose to be rainy season it didn't rain. Some of the parts in Indonesia are having less suplies in water. Some of the parts in Indonesia has more rain tan usally that the place floods.
posted by adia_rock at 5:16 AM


Where is your bibliography? Please inlcude 3 resources. Please remove your virtual pet. Mrs Jane

May 1, 2007 at 12:09 AM  

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